Troubleshooting Guide: Fixing Raw Centers in Baked Goods

There’s nothing quite as disappointing as pulling a beautiful loaf of bread or a batch of cookies out of the oven, only to find that they’re still raw in the center. This common baking problem can be frustrating, especially when you’ve followed the recipe to the letter. However, there are several potential reasons why your baked goods aren’t cooking evenly, and fortunately, most of them are easy to fix. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of raw centers in baked goods and provide practical solutions to help you achieve perfect results every time.

Understanding the Problem

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s important to understand why this problem occurs. Baking is a science, and many factors can affect the outcome. These include the temperature of your oven, the type of pan you’re using, the ingredients in your recipe, and even the altitude at which you’re baking. By understanding these factors, you can troubleshoot effectively and prevent raw centers in your baked goods.

Check Your Oven Temperature

One of the most common causes of raw centers in baked goods is an oven that’s not heating to the correct temperature. Ovens can run hot or cold, and if yours isn’t calibrated correctly, it can result in undercooked or overcooked food. To check your oven’s temperature, use an oven thermometer. If the temperature is off, you may need to adjust your oven’s settings or have it serviced.

Use the Right Baking Pan

The type of baking pan you use can also affect how your baked goods cook. Dark metal pans absorb more heat than light metal or glass pans, which can cause the edges of your baked goods to cook faster than the center. If you’re having trouble with raw centers, try switching to a light metal or glass pan.

Consider Your Ingredients

The ingredients in your recipe can also affect how your baked goods cook. For example, cold ingredients can slow down the baking process, resulting in raw centers. Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature before you start baking.

Adjust for Altitude

If you live at a high altitude, you may need to adjust your baking times and temperatures. Baking at high altitudes can cause dough to rise and set more quickly, which can result in raw centers. Try reducing the baking time and increasing the oven temperature slightly to compensate.


While raw centers in baked goods can be frustrating, they’re usually easy to fix. By understanding the factors that affect baking and making a few simple adjustments, you can ensure that your baked goods come out perfectly cooked every time. Happy baking!